FastPIR - An efficient computational private information retrieval (CPIR) library in C++
SimplePIR - One Server for the Price of Two: Simple and Fast Single-Server Private Information Retrieval
private-search - Private Web Search for Local LLMs
Academic Papers and Surveys
Spiral: Fast, High-Rate Single-Server PIR via FHE Composition
Private Information Retrieval and Its Applications: An Introduction - A 2023 paper introducing PIR fundamentals, variants, and discussing conceptual extensions and potential research directions
A Survey of Single-Database PIR: Techniques and Applications - This paper surveys Single-Database PIR techniques, exploring connections to other cryptographic primitives like collision-resistant hash functions and oblivious transfer.
A Survey on Private Information Retrieval - A comprehensive survey by William Gasarch exploring different PIR models including multiple non-communicating databases and computationally bounded single databases.
A survey on single server PIR in a coding theory perspective - Presents a new perspective on single server PIR schemes using linear error-correcting codes, developing a generic framework for analyzing PIR security.
On the Computational Practicality of Private Information Retrieval - Explores the practical limits of single-server computational PIR for preserving client access patterns.
Committed Private Information Retrieval - A 2023 paper proposing a generic construction combining linear map commitment and linear PIR schemes to produce verifiable PIR, including implementation demonstrations.
Private Information Retrieval with Access Control - Presents Pirac, a novel framework for access control in PIR that restricts database record access to authorized users while maintaining privacy.
Stanford PIR Library - The first publicly available implementation of best-known protocols for PIR/SPIR and related problems, supporting BigInteger lists and Maps.
Piano: Extremely Simple, Single-Server PIR - A 2024 article describing a simple approach to single-server Private Information Retrieval.
Private Information Retrieval in Large Scale Data Repositories - A tutorial addressing how clients can privately retrieve values corresponding to given keys or locations in large public data repositories.