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Full Homomorphic Encryption resources - tons of FHE resources

Dark market implementation with FHE

IBM Research FHE - IBM’s comprehensive resource on Fully Homomorphic Encryption, addressing the security gap when processing data. Their implementation provides security and privacy for data at rest, in transit, and during processing. IBM’s work builds on Craig Gentry’s groundbreaking 2009 research that introduced the first plausible fully homomorphic scheme.

Homomorphic Encryption at Scale - Florida Atlantic University’s project exploring advancements in FHE, focusing on overcoming computational inefficiency challenges. Their research team has implemented bootstrapping techniques to reduce noise and incorporated parallel processing to enhance function optimization, particularly for linear regression models.

CRYPTML - A hybrid machine learning model using homomorphic encryption developed at HES-SO. This project explores a hybrid client-server architecture enabling machine learning computation on encrypted data, addressing the challenges of preserving privacy in AI applications.

Libraries and Tools

OpenFHE - A comprehensive open-source FHE software library incorporating design ideas from prior FHE projects like PALISADE, HElib, and HEAAN. OpenFHE includes features like automatic maintenance operations and hardware acceleration support through a standard Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).

TFHE Library by Inpher - One of the world’s fastest open-source Fully Homomorphic Encryption libraries, maintained by Inpher’s team with contributions from leading universities and privacy-first enterprises worldwide. The library implements the scheme described in the best paper from IACR’s Asiacrypt 2016 conference.

TenSEAL - A practical FHE library for Python that allows performing both addition and multiplication on encrypted data. Unlike partially homomorphic encryption algorithms like RSA, ElGamal, or Paillier, TenSEAL offers fully homomorphic capabilities for real-world applications.

PostgreSQL Fully Homomorphic Encryption

The Transparent data encryption in PostgreSQL - Highgo Software Inc.

tfhe-rs - TFHE-rs: A Pure Rust implementation of the TFHE Scheme for Boolean and Integer Arithmetics Over Encrypted Data.